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Author Archives: Housing Energy Advisor

Considerations for choosing an ASHP

When most people consider replacing their oil or gas boiler with a heat pump, it is generally thought that the boiler can be removed and the heat pump installed in replacement. Following this, the oil tank can be removed and the system is good to go.

Top Tips for Having a Water Butt

It’s strange isn’t it? Every year feels colder and wetter, we have storms and torrential rain, yet come summer we’re always told that we are on the cusp of a hose pipe ban! More and more of us are spending more time in the garden and being encouraged to grow our own vegetables. So how […]

What is clever about Smart Meters?

If you’re up to date with the latest in Energy Efficiency products then you may have heard of the Smart Meter. You may also have heard of Government plans to have one installed in every UK home by 2020. But what are Smart Meters, how do they work, and can they save you money?

Top Tips to Save Petrol

If you have a car then you can’t fail to have noticed the massive increases in petrol prices over the last couple of years. Part of the increase is in tax, others in production costs, but it is undeniable that whatever happens the actual oil reserves are running out.

Secondary Glazing Compared to Double Glazing

There is a lot of talk about Double Glazing and it is often now seen as a priority for many home owners to install in their homes to improve the property. In fact it is often said that whilst the presence of Double Glazing adds nothing to the actual value of the property, its absence […]

Where Should I Position My Solar Panels?

Solar panels are a great way to generate free, carbon neutral electricity for your home and with the introduction of the feed in tariff, the possibility of the new “no risk” loans offered by the proposed Green Deal and rising energy prices, there’s never been a better time to go solar.

Installing Domestic Micro Hydro Electricity Systems

Although obviously very site specific, hydro electricity is one of the cheapest and cleanest methods of producing renewable energy. The best location would be on a steep hill with fast flowing water. The great advantage over other renewable options is that the rate of power production is more or less constant and is not dependant […]

Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas

Under the EU Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC) the UK is obliged to meet tough targets for reducing the amount of biodegradable waste which we send to landfill sites. Biodegradable waste means such things as food waste, garden waste, paper/card etc, basically more or less anything produced from an animal or plant. Based on 1995 figures, we […]

Home Energy Monitors – Do I need one?

A home energy monitor is a must have tool for anyone looking to control their energy usage. It allows you to really understand and analyse the power you use so you can see exactly which areas you need to concentrate on to make cuts.

What Effect Will Climate Change Have on the UK?

Climate change is without doubt one of the biggest threats, if not the biggest threat, to the survival of our civilisation as we know it today. That may sound dramatic, but we only need look at the growing number of natural disasters which are happening around the world each year as a result of extreme […]

Understanding The “Passivhaus” Building Standard

All new properties built in the UK must be built in accordance with building regulations. Building regulations cover just about every expect of the build and include structural stability, electrical and gas safety, minimum hygiene standards such as fresh water etc etc.

Renewable Fuels: Low down on Bio Fuel

Bio fuels are a recent development and one that has attracted a lot of attention from the media, industry and the public. Are they the wonderful all encompassing replacement for fossil fuels?

Designing an Energy Efficient Home

The design and build of a new home is a great opportunity to incorporate all of the very best energy efficient technologies and design features. Most things can be done retrospectively but it is often cheaper and easier, and causes less disruption, to deal with it at the build stage.

Resolutions for a Happy Green New Year

With a New Year in sight it’s the traditional time to reflect on your life and make resolutions for the coming year. So whatever your goals and ambitions for the next year, why not make a few green resolutions too. You never know they might save you some money and energy too.

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