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Where now with Pay As You Save (PAYS) scheme
With environmental issues high on the agenda of the new coalition government, the introduction of the Feed-in Tariff on 1st April 2010 and the Renewable Heat Incentive due to commence on 1st April 2011, energy savings and renewable energy are hot topics at the moment.
BP Spending £100m a day – Tuesday Green Shoots
It is reported that the much criticised Tony Hayward maybe on the verge of resigning. “We know that Tony Hayward is leaving his position and he will introduce his successor,” Igor Sechin told reporters ahead of his meeting with the embattled BP boss.
Solar Heat Gain Explained
You may have heard of Solar Gain, but few of us know what it actually is and how it can apply in somewhere like our homes. Managed properly solar gain can actually help to save you money on your bills and supplement your heating system.
Battling the Breeze – Can Draught Proofing Save You Money?
We’ve all sat there in a nice comfortably warm room and suddenly, almost bizarrely we can feel a draught. It’s annoying but did you know draughts like that could also be costing us money?
Prepare Your Food to Cook Efficiently
Energy Saving Tip 1 – When preparing your food whether this be meat or vegetables consider the size of the pieces you will chop them into and the effect this will have on cooking time.
Guide to Feed-In Tariffs – What You Need to Know
As part of the Energy Act 2008 the government introduced a new incentive to encourage energy consumers to generate some of their own energy from renewable energy sources such as solar power or wind power. This is known as the feed-in tariff. A consumer is paid a subsidy for any energy produced which is from […]
Bookmark us – dont waste energy searching
So in the first of our top tips to save energy; use bookmarks whilst surfing the web. What a waste of time effort and it can be looking and hunting for that great website you found. Now you need it, you can’t find it, how annoying is it? Simple solution – Bookmark it.
Welcome to our blog, news and views
Welcome to you all. This is main area of our website where you will find our latest energy saving news and views over the coming weeks and months. So what will we be covering and what will we be publishing? “We will aim to provide you with the very latest relevant energy saving and related […]
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