Energy Saving Light bulbs (Low-E)

The division of feeling in regard to low energy light bulbs (low-E) never ceases to amaze us. Whatever you may think of the EU ban and how it is implemented, there are many new low E lighting products now available to help make the switch without too much pain. Yes, they can be more expensive to buy initially but don’t forget they last up to 12 times longer and you could save up to approximately £14 per year, per bulb, on your electricity bill.
Fitting low energy light bulbs
As opposed to the traditional 60 or 100 watt light bulb, low energy bulbs can have a major impact on helping you cut your electricity bill and are now distributed via suppliers and outlets who can access CERT funding which often makes them free or cost a matter of pennies.
In most homes lighting can account for approximately 20 per cent of a typical electricity bill. It is calculated that If every UK household installed at least 3 energy saving light bulbs, there would be enough electricity saved in a year to energise all the street lighting.
Energy saving bulbs work in the same way as fluorescent lights. An electric current passes through gas in a tube, making the tube's coating glow brightly.
It is estimated that the British public walks to change light bulbs every year which is the equivalent distance as they would do to encompass making 2 journeys to the moon and back. So you are not only saving energy but your shoe leather.
Traditional light bulbs waste a lot of their energy by turning it into heat. Each energy saving light bulb can substantially reduce your annual electricity bill. Energy saving light bulbs also last, on average up to 12 times longer than ordinary light bulbs
Why you should use energy saving light bulbs?
- They use less energy than standard bulbs.
- They will save you money on your electric bill.
- They produce just as much light as standard bulbs. "O no they don’t; O Yes, they do"
- Energy saving light bulbs last longer and don't have to be replaced as often as standard bulbs.
So I want to replace my light bulbs with low energy lighting, what watt is comparable with low-E lights?
- 25W Ordinary light bulbs = 6W Energy saving bulb equivalent
- 40W Ordinary light bulbs = 8-11W Energy saving bulb equivalent
- 60W Ordinary light bulbs = 13-18W Energy saving bulb equivalent
- 100W Ordinary light bulbs = 20-25W Energy saving bulb equivalent